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About Dr. Mehdi Elmi PhD, P.Eng, C. Struct. Eng.

Dr. Elmi, the founder and president of Best West Engineers Ltd., has many years of experience in the engineering field both in Canada and overseas. He is well known as one of the best engineers available in British Columbia and is a published author in his field.

Dr. Elmi's Qualifications

•    Member of the Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of BC (P. Eng.)
•    Member of Structural Engineers of British Columbia (SEABC)
•    Certificate in Structural Engineering program UBC, SEABC
•    Certified property inspector (BCIT) British Columbia

•    Builder licensed, Canada, B.C.
•    Experienced in construction management and structural design of wood, steel reinforcement, concrete & masonry
•    International experience: 15years Canada & USA (projects); 14 years overseas
•    10 years teaching in faculty of Structural Engineering, Sharif Industrial University, Tehran-Iran
•    Experienced in structural deficiency investigation as a court witness for 10 years
•    Author of 22 papers & books in civil engineering & environment

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